Friday, January 30, 2009

In Prague

My friend in Prague, Josef Zak is a photographer and shared a few pictures with me during a walk in Prague last weekend.

I always want to go back and even live there for awhile when I see pictures from there. I have cousins in Kutna Hora. My Grandpa Krupicka grew up in Brzotice. I'd love to spend enought time to learn the language good and to study history. But, at my age it isn't likely that would happen....unless I should win the lotto and have a little money to spend that is!!!

My Bakke Cousins in Norway

My Varland Cousins in Norway

January 2009

As the New Year begins, we find many changes in America. We have a new President and I find it interesting to watch the news conferences to hear about steps being taken to try to boost our economy.

I have already helped the economy by having our roof reshingled. That was done on 13January during a lull in the rainy weather. Around the Christmas season, we had over a foot of snow sitting on the roof and soon after most of that melted a very heavy rain that lasted for two days. It did the poor old roof in and I discovered leaks coming in and staining the ceilings in a couple of rooms. This expidited the plan to re-roof this year by a few months! This time we put on an algae fighting shingle and it is supposed to hang in there for 30 years...which is probably past my lifetime since I am 68.

So far, all my kids still have their jobs. I hope that remains the case. One decided to sell his house as he has 3 kids and needs one more bedroom to make life more comfortable. He had the house ready to market the week the credit markets dried up so held off a few weeks. The house is move in ready for someone so I hope it sells quickly. This is only day 5 on the market and the Open House is this Sunday. Now, this is another get the ecomony going move.

Another, is considering doing some remodeling this year. This all works as long as the jobs are stable.

Sometimes, I think businesses are panicky and then they add to the problem my laying people off. Laid off people can't buy! It's either that or just an excuse to cut their payrolls. I like to pay cash if I can for things so the last few years I've been saving my SS checks for a new roof. Businesses should have enough money saved for the lean me that would be a good business. But then...I never majored in business so what do I know.

I had to laugh a bit around Christmas time as I was telling a friend that when I grew up we didn't have credit cards. We did what was called Lay Away and paid a little each week to the store and got our purchase when it was paid for. Those were the days a nice wool dress cost $18 to $24. Then a few days later, I saw some stores were actually implementing that lay away situation.

Well, I'm hoping for a better year for me. I was given a new RX the end of October and I never felt good after that so just about 6 days ago, with the doctor's knowledge, I went off it and I am definitely starting to feel better. I think it had lowered my blood pressure too much as I was out of it. I just now am thinking about doing some house cleaning which has been lacking for several weeks. I can't afford to hire a housekeeper for that.

In the Family History department - I bought into Ancestry for a year again and have been working on my son-in-laws family...a common Johnson name. I broke a wall down and found where the Norwegian ancestor came from now. That was big! I also have a bio being published in a book about Norwegians in Minnesota. I have one great grandpa that was in Minnesota before it became a State and that is the group of people being written about for that book. They were Gundersons.

Well, I just thought I should add something to this blog as I haven't been very active with it.