Wednesday, September 01, 2010

September 2010 - Miscellaneous Commentary

The above photo is my grand niece...standing behind her big Northern...Uncle R is holding it and I don't know the other girl. The fishing was on a lake in Minnesota. Sept. 2010

Miscellaneous Commentary...

Yesterday, I had a note from a new Varland and hope she got my message I sent her.

It seems like Fall today in the NW. We have had rain and wind where I live and even lost our power yesterday for over 3 hours due to a tree falling on a power line. Then our HD cable box didn't work and it is being replaced right now as I type. My husband is supervising that operation. I was glad we still have one ancient TV that did work last night.

Today, a couple of my grand children start their new school year at a new school. They also will be riding a bus for the first time. Tonight, another grand-daughter will meet her Kindergarten teacher and tomorrow she starts with her first day of school. I'm finding it hard to believe she is now school age. There are only 2 left and one starts next year and the other the year after that. My oldest grand daughter started her first year of high school on the 25th and she was excited about that. I see on Facebook that she is getting tons of homework. Not to worry - she is very intelligent and has been an A+ student all through her schooling so far and she had taken honors type classes and French in that mix. Granted, she has a very heavy schedule this year so I'm sure she will be challenged to some degree. So, I wish her luck in balancing lots of homework, her dance and competitions and her social life this year.

My cousin has given me access to her beach house with about 3 more weeks left to use it. I hope we can make it down there but I'm not positive we will get there. We do a lot more reading and walking the beach looking for rocks and agates and putting puzzles together, etc. when vegging out at the cable TV or computer handy to take up our time.

My 80 year old brother and his wife are taking a cruise to Alaska and leaving on the 3rd of Sep. They will stop by my place for 1 night on their way back home to Utah a few days down the road... I am jealous of those who can flit around and travel as my husband in no longer wanting to do any adventurous things due to some health problems. I will be doing good to get him down to the beach house which is only 70 miles away!

Yesterday, we had a rabbit in our back yard that looked like Peter Rabbit without a coat! Very cute but hope he/she doesn't adopt us as I hear they can be destructive to bushes and trees. It was eating on a pear that had fallen off our tree and some blueberries and sunflower seeds. We don't see rabbits too often here...only raccoons. One year we had Opossums but it has been a long time since I've seen any of those. We are in the city but near a watershed area and there are deer and fox. Years ago, the skunks had a trail somewhere but those seem to be long gone, too...that is fine with me! I think we had a cougar in the watershed a few years ago. Birds...lots of them and we encourage them at the bird feeders and suet station. We also have a good supply of squirrels hanging out. My husband enjoys feeding the birds.

I had a note from my Sis with a photo of her granddaughter catching a Northern yesterday. Her Uncle took her fishing. She doesn't start her schooling until next week. She is with her grandmother right now as her Mom is in NYC looking for a job. She has a degree from Smith in Neuro Science. Jobs and apartment hunting is what she is up to at the moment. We wish her luck. I think her final goal is to get her M.D. My Sis is loving having her granddaughter for awhile.

Well, now back to going through my stacks of research papers from genealogy projects. Genealogy is mainly all I do anymore. I have it all online on but some of the trees remain private.