Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Luck Made My Day!

I'm still having moments of amazement in what happened with my posting about Fogn, Norway.

I had surfed in from a link posted in a Genealogy-DNA list and discovered this blog site. I was curious and decided to try setting up my first blog. Since I've been working on family history for many years, that was the subject I chose to post. I was curious about Fogn. It is where a gg gfather and mother came from in the Spring of 1854. I had recently discovered that Anna Varland had siblings and the information showed that some stayed on Fogn or probably nearby. This is what I was curious about - the Island itself and the possible relatives still living there.

Well, a lady named Elaine had read about blogspot.com in an AARP article recently and for the first time of the afternoon of the day I posted my first blog she checked into the site and put their last name into the search box and this is where my luck begins! It is amazing to me how this all happened from one morning to same evening - it made my day!

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